Matt Ryan and Alex Soberman discuss the events of #Super Bowl 49. From the play calling, to Patriot haters, to whether or not this is the tipping point for the Seattle Seahawks. Matt and Alex are also joined by Stephanie Sottile from No Small Talk and KWHY to discuss the Commercials, the Halftime Show, God, … Continue reading 22 Weeks: Super Bowl Epilogue

Matt Ryan and Alex Soberman discuss the events of #Super Bowl 49. From the play calling, to Patriot haters, to whether or not this is the tipping point for the Seattle Seahawks. Matt and Alex are also joined by Stephanie Sottile from No Small Talk and KWHY to discuss the Commercials, the Halftime Show, God, Children and a whole lot more!!!!

Follow the show on twitter @22weekspod

Matt Ryan: @ImMattryan

Alex Soberman @Alexsobe123

Matthew Foster @MatthewDfoster

Tom Garrett @Theaxisofego

Marvin Williams @Thesidenotes

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22 Weeks is available on, as well as on I-tunes, and and is produced by Gotta Say It Media.