This week on 22 Weeks, we talk Baseball, and more importantly the legacy and life of the late great Gil Hodges. Matt Ryan sits down with Mort Zachter the author of Gil Hodges: A Hall of Fame Life. Matt and Mort also talk about modern baseball, the Mets, and what Hall of Fame Voting truly … Continue reading 22 Weeks Offseason: The Legacy of Gil Hodges with Mort Zachter

This week on 22 Weeks, we talk Baseball, and more importantly the legacy and life of the late great Gil Hodges. Matt Ryan sits down with Mort Zachter the author of Gil Hodges: A Hall of Fame Life. Matt and Mort also talk about modern baseball, the Mets, and what Hall of Fame Voting truly looks like.

Matt Ryan: @ImMattryan

Alex Soberman @Alexsobe123

Matthew Foster @MatthewDfoster

Tom Garrett @Theaxisofego

Marvin Williams @Thesidenotes

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22 Weeks “Offseason” is available on I-tunes, Stitcher, and and is produced by Gotta Say It Media.