Today’s post is the audio companion to the Virtual not Distant monthly newsletter, and you can subscribe to it via email here. Every month, Pilar shares with readers articles she’s come across on the web, books she’s read (or is reading) and podcast episodes she’s listened to.

The newsletter also has a digest of the Virtual not Distant content - but this podcast version has an update of Pilar’s own work.

Coffee Break Articles:

The dark side of remote work via Asynchronous Agile

Remote work stifles innovation, a massive new study finds  via Gallant CEO, based on a study in Nature

Apple knew AirDrop users could be identified and tracked as early as 2019, researchers say via CNN Business
'I had £3,000 stolen via WhatsApp job scam message' via BBC UK

(This month’s articles are all a bit dark, but it’s just a coincidence!)

Book Recommendation:

This month’s book recommendation is "Four Thousand Weeks: Embrace your limits. Change your life. Make your four thousand weeks count" by Oliver Burkeman. It is NOT a book on how to manage your time. It's a philosophical read.

Listening Recommendations:

Podcast: The Tim Ferriss Podcast
Episode: Matt Mullenweg — The Art of Crafting a Sabbatical, Tips for Defending Against Hackers, Leveraging Open Source, Thriving in an AI World, and Tips for Life’s Darkest Hours (#713)
Date: 29 December 2023

Podcast: Work from Home Forever
Episode: Eileen Tanner, 27 Years of Remote Work from Fax Machines to Virtual Meetings
Date: 18 December 2023

(And if you want to find out more about Don Voltaire, host of Work from Home Forever , check out the latest episode of Adventures in Podcasting: Ep 71 Adventures in podcasting with your son, finding guests and the life-changing potential of remote work)

Podcast: Hard Fork