Welcome to episode 217 of the 21st Century Work Life podcast, which is actually a bonus episode, made up of my conversation with Marcus Wermuth from Buffer. Find out more about him over at www.marcuswermuth.com and follow him on Twitter https://twitter.com/mwermuth

If you're a regular listener, you will know that the last batch of guest episodes have focused on a topic, with contributions from different guests. And the way in which I have been working on this has been by recording full interviews with them, and then finding the bits that went together best. What this has meant is that I've got some longer pieces with some guests that I'd quite like to share with you. And what better way to do this than at the beginning of the year, while we wait for the first episode on our schedule to be released on 16th January 2020.

So remember that this show is brought to you by Virtual not Distant, a London-based company helping managers and their teams transition to an office-optional approach, and my name is Pilar Orti, and I'm the Director. You can find everything we do over at virtualnodistant.com and you're welcome to get in touch with me on Twitter too @PilarOrti

Let's go into the conversation, I hope you enjoy it.

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