As GM of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Marty Adams is in a very unique position in the water world.  Not only does he oversee a combined department of water and power, he's doing it for the second largest city in the country, along with all the climate challenges faced by the state of California.


Having worked at LADWP for 39 years, Marty has seen the department through many difficult events in Los Angeles' history - from the LA riots to the 1994 earthquake and more.  He frames those challenging moments as learning opportunities, seeing how the entity could adapt and change.


Environmental concerns and regulations have also changed during Marty's tenure, and consumers are more actively concerned.  Marty talks about how this has affected his perspective as he prepares LADWP for the coming decades and longer.


While LA has seen many droughts, they recently had one of their wettest years on record.  We talk about evolving technology to save and store excess water, trying to cut down on the "yo-yo effect" on customers.   We also spend a fair amount of time on Marty's efforts to use more resources inside LA County, and the benefits of the circular economy.


Replacing aging infrastructure is also a priority - while decreasing the average lifespan of pipes is important, it's also critical to use technology to assess pipe quality - age shouldn't be the only consideration.


Marty talks about idea sharing on an international level.   LADWP has imported innovative ideas from high-tech solutions to black balls sitting on top of the reservoir.  And they've worked with other countries across the world to share ideas.  This collaboration will come in handy as Los Angeles prepares to host the Olympic Games in 2028.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion is important on two fronts for LADWP.  Los Angeles has some of the richest residents in the country, but 40% of the population live below the poverty line.  How can the department continue to generate revenue but not exclude anyone?  Also, as we see a shortage in future workers, how do we reach out to underserved communities and make them aware of the career opportunities in this field? You may be surprised to hear what some high schoolers told Marty and his team.



LADWP Website:

Marty Adams Bio:

Aquasight Website:

Aquasight Website: