Want to stop global warming? Learn how citizens from Northwest Indiana can effectively help.

Please come to our free CLIMATE ADVOCATE WORKSHOP, led by Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL).

CCL is a nonpartisan volunteer group focused on national and international solutions to effectively address climate change. We support a straightforward bipartisan plan to dramatically decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

David Holmquist, an experienced CCL leader for the Great Lakes region, will teach effective approaches to build political will and lobby Congress. Our respectful, nonpartisan approach to climate education is building a broad, sustainable foundation for climate action across all geographic regions and political inclinations.

All are welcome to attend. We hope you can join us. We know that Northwest Indiana is directly experiencing the effects of climate change and the negative health impacts of the continued use of fossil fuels. This workshop is an opportunity for community members like you to make your voices heard and promote a powerful solution.

You can learn more about Citizens' Climate Lobby by watching this quick introductory video.