💬  Topics Discussed:

Why Arvid moved from Europe to Canada?Can video games help you develop skills useful for your career?Trusting your instincts when deciding on your futureThe contradiction between a traditional education and the need for a creative workforceAdapting knowledge from books and mentors to help you make decisionsRecognizing valid information sources“The Opportunity Surface”Using Twitter to connect with and find expertsThe exponential growth of knowledge and experienceWhat is a “Minipoly” and why is it so important for entrepreneursThe importance of building up and helping your communityHow to grow your Twitter audienceFinding the right people to follow on TwitterBuilding your business on TwitterTweeting the right things for the right audienceHow to create your ideal work schedule

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🎒 Resources:

The Bootstrapped FounderArvid on TwitterFind Your Following Twitter Course[book] Zero to Sold: How to Start, Run, and Sell a Bootstrapped Business[book] The Embedded Entrepreneur: How to Build an Audience-Driven BusinessGitHubWhat is the Dunning-Kruger effect?[book] The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness[book] Tribes by Seth GodinPieter Levels on TwitterAlice Lemée on Twitter

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