Edwin Hopkins aka "Donovan Sharpe" was secretly private married in July of 2019 to a then 43 year old woman known as "Devon Sharpe". Mrs. Sharte will be 45 years old this August. For over 4 years Mr. Sharte has been shaving off on average ~7 years from her biological age without explanation and continues to conceal this material fact from his customers, while basing his "results" as a qualification for expertise.

Fair use notice: This presentation was created and given with the highest respect and regard for truth, morality, justice, individual rights, and the law, as well as YouTube's community guidelines, safety policies, and terms of service.

The speech in this presentation is protected by the 1st amendment to the federal constitution of the United States, as well as article 1 section 4 of the Florida constitution. All content in this video is either used with permission by Anthony Johnson or is protected by the fair use doctrine of the United States of America for the purposes of news reporting, education, public interest, and criticism of public figures.

Public figures: "Donovan Sharpe" is a public figure as defined in this video and the millions of views online for his likeness, identity, and appearance. "Devon Sharpe" is a limited purpose public figure also detailed in this presentation.

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