Whether it’s flying into New York City and seeing that iconic skyline, or cycling around Amsterdam, all cities have a certain mystique to them; and like it or not, from the chaotic crosswalks of Tokyo to the density of Delhi, cities are the future for the majority of humanity.  Currently, over fifty percent of our […]

Whether it’s flying into New York City and seeing that iconic skyline, or cycling around Amsterdam, all cities have a certain mystique to them; and like it or not, from the chaotic crosswalks of Tokyo to the density of Delhi, cities are the future for the majority of humanity. 

Currently, over fifty percent of our global population already lives in a city. Seventy percent of global GDP is generated in cities. Sixty-six percent of global energy is consumed by cities, and estimates have our urban population exceeding 70% of the global population by mid-century!

So what’s our plan to make cities sustainable? (more…)