There are times you know you are witnessing magic, like when a pitcher is in the middle of throwing a perfect game. The ball is dancing around, every pitch hits it’s spot, the ball is coming out seemingly a few mph faster with every pitch. You watch this feat and you can just tell something special is happening. You’re giddy with excitement that you can be a part of it.

And sometimes you’re the hitter on the other end of that magic. Baffled, off-balance, defeated.

Well folks, this week Todd and I were on the wrong side of a preverbial perfect game. This was not our best effort. An extra long chat about food forbodes the lack of intelligible baseball chatter to come. We botch names, carry on dialogues that are seemingly unrelated, and throw in the occassional awkward pause for good measure. It’s not pretty, but every prospect takes their lumps.

We start off talking about all the big trades that went down. What does the David Price trade mean for his value? We discuss. Price vs Hamels. Price vs Cueto. Somehow we wander into alternative stat leagues, Dexter Fowler, then back to the trade world with Mat Latos. I could continue to give you the play by play, but then this blog post would be like a Fellini film. Some of the highlights include:

“I really love guys named ‘Paco’.”

“That’s Joc Pederson not Jace Pederson. awkward silence” (I confused Jose Peraza and Jace Pederson)

“Who is the guy who hurt himself playing Guitar Hero?”

“The love child of Fernando Rodney and KRod.”

“Kang-am Style”, “Going, going, Kang!”

“Do you think he moved his van?”, “I’d be terrified to live in a van in Detroit.”

“I think that’s a lot of petina.”

As always, check us out on Twitter @2020AllStars and iTunes.

Season 3 Episode 21 (45:11)

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