Panic!!! RUN!!! AHHH!!! Ok, deep breathes. Stay calm… As you can see, we running through the gambit of emotions. After another bad start from David Price, we discuss what owners should do with him. Who could you get for him? And should you deal him? Also in the world of aces, we lament about Kershaw’s setback. We still like him but this definitely shows that he’s mortal.

But enough with the bad news, #FreeAlexBregman has finally happened. This Monday Bregman will be seeing his first action for the big league club. We discuss his prospects and Todd goes into whose got next.

Hope you enjoy the episode and we apologize for the delay between episodes.

As always, check us out on Twitter @2020AllStars, Instagram 2020AllStars, and iTunes.

Season 4 Episode 15 (43:46)

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