Today’s guest is Jennifer Borba von Stauffenberg! She is the President of Olive Creative Strategies — a national public relations and marketing agency in San Diego, California. Long ago, Jennifer was inspired by Cyndi Lauper — as you’ll hear about in today’s podcast — to develop a mission to amplify the messages of the most positively powerful people and brands. Now, she leads a team of savvy, dynamic public relations professionals in producing strategic campaigns that focus on clients’ results.


Jennifer has a reputation for not only coming up with great ideas at your first meeting that culminate into full-blown marketing strategies but also for being a dependable connector that can provide support for all aspects of your business (based on her extensive network of vetted connections!)


In today’s episode, Jennifer provides some incredible advice for entrepreneurs marketing their business. She shares her entrepreneurial journey from her business’s conception to its current success, how she got there, and the 20 seconds of courage that helped shift the trajectory she was on. She also shares some of the major challenges she’s had to overcome in her business, the steps she recommends new businesses to take in order to become PR-ready, and how to grow your client base.


Don’t miss today’s insightful episode and tune in to get the full scoop!


Key Takeaways

[:45] About today’s episode with Jennifer Borba von Stauffenberg.

[2:17] Amy welcomes Jen to the podcast!

[2:44] Jennifer gives a quick rundown of her life’s story!

[4:20] Jennifer highlights a time when she’s experienced 20 seconds of insane courage and how it completely changed the trajectory she was on.

[6:47] What inspired Jennifer to hand in her resignation for her old job and start her business?

[8:21] How Jennifer found opportunities and connections early on in her business.

[13:38] Jennifer shares some of the major challenges during the start-up phase of her business and how she managed to overcome them.

[21:35] Jennifer gives her advice to new entrepreneurs on how to become PR-ready!

[25:55] The importance of differentiators and how Jennifer helps brands distinguish what their differentiators are in the marketplace.

[27:38] Why your brand’s story is everything in attracting customers!

[29:18] Amy thanks Jennifer for joining her in this episode.


Key Highlights:

Why courage is not only the catalyst for an exciting life, but also for a successful marketing campaign as well! How Jennifer’s clients grew her business. How to face your challenges without judgment and fear, and instead, simply asking yourself, ‘What’s next?’ How Jennifer got out of the hole after losing 50% of her clients in one day! What the most important steps are to take as a new brand in order to be PR-ready. The secret ingredient to every successful campaign.


Mentioned in this Episode:

Olive Creative Strategies

Cyndi Lauper

Ladies Who Launch


Connect with my Guest!

Jennifer’s Website: Olive Creative Strategies


Hey listeners! Do you want to get your story out into the world in a really big way?

Visit to access my free, one-hour brand story planner! In under an hour, you can have a beautifully crafted brand story to use everywhere! Your brand story should be on your website, your packaging, and at the beginning of any presentation you give. A brand story is crucial for pitches to the media, brand deals, podcasts, and investor decks. Not only that, this formula can be used for brand case studies, testimonials, and ad copy.


Follow-up with Me!

If you want to get more resources on marketing, branding, content strategy and building a business, you can follow me over on Instagram @AmySelbach or at!


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