28.) It’s A Blank World (w/ Steve Roberts) (Recorded on 31 March 2021.) We both agree that Blank Reg is one of the best characters in Max Headroom, and we had to ask the writer and creator of the character if he had anything to say about coming up with Blank Reg. Here’s a few tid-bits … Continue reading 28.) It’s A Blank World (w/ Steve Roberts)

28.) It’s A Blank World (w/ Steve Roberts)

(Recorded on 31 March 2021.)

We both agree that Blank Reg is one of the best characters in Max Headroom, and we had to ask the writer and creator of the character if he had anything to say about coming up with Blank Reg. Here’s a few tid-bits that we think you’ll enjoy.

Heather like the idea of drinking beer and walking dogs.

Austin was hoping Steve had some stories of seeing some OG UK bands back in the day.




We encourage you to help with our Patreon Fundraiser, where we are working with Michael Cassutt to create an audio-drama version of his lost vintage Max Headroom script, “Families.” So if you help support Austin Rich so he doesn’t have to punch a clock, then we can get more of this kind of material to you, quickly.

In our next episode, we will be offering either some additional Maxis, or our promised conversation about the film Blade Runner, which seems to currently be streaming on Netflix, though who can say how long that will be? There are a number of other places to find it, too, so check it out, and we’ll get out next episode out, ASAP.