16.) Babies: How Children Are Represented In, “Max Headroom.” (A Discussion Regarding The Supreme Court’s Decision To Strike Down, ‘Row v. Wade.’)  (Recorded on 14 July 2022.) In this episode we have a conversation framed by the way that babies are represented in “Rakers” and in “Baby Grobags.” Specifically: how these two episodes speak volumes … Continue reading 16.) Babies: How Children Are Represented In, “Max Headroom.” (A Discussion Regarding The Supreme Court’s Decision To Strike Down, ‘Row v. Wade.’)

16.) Babies: How Children Are Represented In, “Max Headroom.” (A Discussion Regarding The Supreme Court’s Decision To Strike Down, ‘Row v. Wade.’) 

(Recorded on 14 July 2022.)

In this episode we have a conversation framed by the way that babies are represented in “Rakers” and in “Baby Grobags.” Specifically: how these two episodes speak volumes about the actual future we face now that Row v. Wade has been rescinded. This is a serious political conversation, and the funny editing during the serious sections has been reduced because of this. While the conversation does reference Max occasionally, it is largely about our new political reality, which happens to resemble the horrors we see in this fictional TV show.

Heather cannot separate the issue from the art.

Austin talks more than he should.


In our next episode, we will be discussing S2E7 of the US TV Program, “The Circle,” originally dropped on 21 April 2021. The episode is titled “Friend Zoned…” it is currently available on Netflix.com. Yes, we are finally getting to it. For real.

We encourage you to help with our Patreon Fundraiser, where we are working with Michael Cassutt to create an audio-drama version of his lost vintage Max Headroom script, “Families.”