01.) We Can Title ’em, Too (Our Pilot) (Recorded on 7 Sept. 2020 AND 4 Feb. 2021)  In our Pilot episode, we introduce our listeners to our show, how we will be viewing the show / character, how often we’ll be on, and what our relationship with Max Headroom is. A cascading series of meta-talks … Continue reading 01.) We Can Title ’em, Too (Our Pilot)

01.) We Can Title ’em, Too (Our Pilot)

(Recorded on 7 Sept. 2020 AND 4 Feb. 2021) 

In our Pilot episode, we introduce our listeners to our show, how we will be viewing the show / character, how often we’ll be on, and what our relationship with Max Headroom is. A cascading series of meta-talks about our future talks ensues. In a meta way.

Heather reveals that she thinks Max Headroom is a sitcom.

Austin spends a fair amount of time discussing lawn care.

In our next episode, we will be discussing the UK telefilm, “Max Headroom,” originally aired 4 April 1985. It was briefly available in Japan on Laserdisc, but is currently unavailable, to our knowledge. YouTube, archive.org, and a number of other sites have it available for you to enjoy in the meantime.

This link might work for you, for now.
