“We need to change the conversation from mental illness to mental wellness,” says Sharon Feldstein, who helped launch a nonprofit called YourMomCares with the goal of creating and supporting programs that better behavioral health in our kids. This group of concerned mothers, whose children are prominent athletes, musicians and actors, is bringing much-needed attention to the crisis in children's behavioral health. Demand for services is far outpacing the resources to support it, and the situation is worsening now that new CDC data reveals there has been a 50% spike in the suicide rate for school-age kids since the year 2000. 

On this episode of 20-Minute Health Talk, host Sandra Lindsay, DHSc, MBA, MSN, RN, speaks with Sharon, co-founder and CEO of YourMomCares, along with one of the group’s "power moms," Robin Paul, about their mission, the organizations and programs they support and their newest endeavor with Northwell, who has partnered with area schools to expand resources for students in need of behavioral health support. A primary effort — school-based Behavioral Health Centers — is keeping kids out of the emergency room and connecting them with clinicians closer to home. 

This is Part 2 of a series addressing the rising rate of child suicide in the U.S. Throughout the month of September, which is National Suicide Prevention Month. In Part 1 (available for listening here), Dr. Lindsay spoke with child behavioral health specialist Vera Feuer, MD, about methods parents can use to discuss mental issues with their children.

Podcast transcript

Resources for families
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry provides education for families including what to expect when you have to go to the emergency department and how to handle suicidality in children. 
American Academy of Pediatrics provides education on various topics including mental health. 
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) – has local chapters in each state, which offer a wealth of resources to get connected to treatment, support and education.