Dearest Friend,  

As the moons finish their dancing and the leaves turn to ash, I hope their warmth is bringing you comfort in these lengthening nights, my friend.

I am, as usual, wandering the Hæth; following the wind chimes as they guide me to new homes for the small Gods.  

The Saplings have grown bigger and more mischievous since I wrote you last, the changes in the air have brought them a newfound energy.  Perhaps, they see the waving green flames and cannot help but dance.  

The other small Gods are resting peacefully in their backpack pockets as I write to you. It has been a long journey, and I yearn to find them a suitable home. To give them their comfort back.  

What I will do after the work is done, I am not sure.  

Perhaps, I will finally be able to stop, watch how the seasons change the view from one singular spot. If that happens, I would love to welcome you to my home, in the same way you accepted me when my world burned.  

Until then, there is much work to do and much to atone for.  

Forever in my thoughts, 


This letter was written by our guest! Sage can be found on twitter @Sage_Steam

Find more of the cool things Sage is part of here!

In this Episode We meet Thyme and Build out the Caretaker playbook! Thyme is a Kind Stoat who is traveling the Hæth in order to find a home for the many small and forgotten gods of their home. Join in as we learn of all the small and forgotten Gods that She Carries (and one very freindly beetle)! 

The Intro is adapted from the Wanderhome Text written by Jay Dragon and Published by Possum Creek games.

Wanderhome and more can be found here at possum Creek games

The music behind the intro is "A Hop, Skip, and a Jump" and the outro music is "one foot in front of the other" by Devin Nelson.\

To find more of Devins work and support him check out

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