Dear Father, 

Thank you for your letter concerning my travels. I am truly sympathetic to your concerns, but you must know that I am perfectly safe. 

The Haeth is a marvelous place. I recently came upon a field of firebugs that lit up the night like stars hugging the grass. It was a sight I feel I may never forget. The feeling that you are the only person in all the world seeing something so beautiful, right in that moment—I have chased it ever since. Since then, I’ve witnessed the sun breaking over the horizon, had a rather strange conversation with a small creek god, and stayed for a few days in a farm run by foxes, who’ve treated me wonderfully. 

Don’t worry about me, father. I am becoming world-hardened, or something to that effect! I am no longer that clumsy bear who forgot the tent pegs for our camping trip. If you’ve taught me anything, it is determination—and thanks to you, I have that in droves. But please, do not misunderstand me: I miss you terribly. 

Yours sincerely, Alex 

This letter was written by our guest! Precious can be found on twitter @prcs_xo 

In this Episode We meet Eli and Build out the Poet Playbook! Eli is a Black Cat Poet who travels around the Haeth to record the lands history. 

Intro is read from the Wanderhome Playkit written by Jay Dragon and Published by Possum Creek games Wanderhome and more can be found here at possum Creek games 

The music behind the intro is Animal Crossing New Horizons "Prologue" by GlitchXCity find and support her music here 

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