We are excited to share with you some knowledge that one of our co-hosts, Terry Combs, has accumulated over his 30+ years in the industry. Terry talks about ways that you can increase your profit, get more work down and manage your production without adding employees or more expenses. He gives us practical tips that we can use right away, and teases some of the bigger details and step by step instruction you can get from his upcoming training series “Scheduling & Estimating Production Time” that you can find at https://www.decorators.education/sept/

Thanks for listening! We are pleased to bring you this weekly show without major rants, lecturing or selling for nearly 8 years now. We would love for you to visit our web page at 2Regularguys.com to check out show notes with lots of great links and additional information. Please suggest some topics you would like to learn more about, through our contact us page or through our social media outlets @2RegularGuys.

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