2 Heels and A Face — A Chicago Wrestling Podcast 
Charley, Cris and Trent discuss WrestleMania Weekend shows (WWE & Independent)

It was a pleasure to have our Unofficial Official Impact contributor, Trent in the studio again to talk about ALL of the wrestling shows that took place over this past weekend. This Buffet Line episode gives fresh and unique perspectives on all of the following WWE and independent wrestling shows. 

Matt Riddle’s Bloodsport by GCW
Beyond Wrestling’s “Lit Up”
Impact Wrestling vs Lucha Underground
The WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony
NXT Takeover New Orleans
WrestleMania 34
and Joey Janela’s Spring Break


Salad Bar starts at 00:03:36
 — Matt Riddle’s Bloodsport
 — Beyond Wrestling’s “Lit Up”
— Impact vs Lucha Underground
 — Joey Janela’s Spring Break
Main Course starts at 00:39:05
 — WWE Hall of Fame Ceremony
 — NXT Takeover New Orleans
 — WrestleMania 34
Dessert starts at 01:28:20
 — Favorites matches and shows of the weekend
 — What shows we missed that we still want to watch

Recommended Matches to Watch:

— Matt Riddle’s Bloodsport — Filthy Tom Lawlor vs WALTER

 — Beyond Wrestling’s “Lit Up” — Deonna Purrazzo vs Matt Riddle, Team PAWG vs LAX, Twisted Sisterz vs Dickinson & Jaka and Jimmy Havok vs Jessicka Havok

— Impact vs Lucha Underground — Opening six man tag team match with DJZ & Drago, LAX vs Killshot and The Mack and The Main Event with Penta, Fenix and Austin Aries

— NXT Takeover New Orleans — WATCH THIS WHOLE SHOW

— WrestleMania 34 — Mustafa Ali vs Cedric Alexander on the pre-show, IC Triple Threat Title Match, Asuka vs Charlotte, Ronda Rousey’s debut match and Nia Jax vs Alexa Bliss

— Joey Janela’s Spring Break — WALTER vs PCO, Quackenbush vs David Starr and Joey Janela vs Great Sasuke

Fite TV Promo codes for Your Viewing Pleasure:

Relevant Links:
Hemi Music Video (Intense AF) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgJaXGhE3pw&feature=youtu.be

Buy tickets for Warrior Wrestling: http://bit.ly/warriorwrestling

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