We spend 40 weeks preparing for a monumental event in our lives. We're having a baby! It's euphoric, fun, we get presents! 

And then we bring the baby home. And stress arrives. What do we do now? How do we do it? And perhaps the most stressful element of all - how do we get these babies to sleep? Because we parents need sleep. Raising kids is hard. Raising newborns is just the first step.

Enter Devon Clement, she and her team at Happy Family After are here to help parents. She has been taking care of children - and their parents - since she was a teenager. She comes by it naturally. And in this time - we all need some stress relief. So settle down, listen up and find out how Devon and friends can help you!

And P.S. This was taped in summer 2020, and we have now started school. 

Happy Family After