Entrepreneurs are a brave bunch. We have to be; starting a business is a leap of faith. Some start their companies with a plan, others feel their way. Christine Kane is a master of the latter. So when she talks, you should listen. 

Coming out of college she had a plan to succeed in corporate America; she landed her dream job and took off! She hated it. She felt something building inside her soul; a need to create music. She ditched her corporate job and headed west to the capital of country music where she wrote songs, went on tour and built the business of Christine Kane the musician. She had no business degree and she made choices that were right for her - but didn't make sense to others.

A funny thing happened on the way to stardom. Others began asking how she turned her idea into a business, and she began working with entrepreneurs who had a dream but no plan. Now she runs her own multi-million dollar coaching company using an idea-based approach, to search their souls to succeed and be happy. 

Listen to how to start your soul-track.

The Soul-Sourced Entrepreneur