At first glance Lorilee Binstock had a perfect life. She is a successful media professional, has a great husband, beautiful kids. But she harbored a secret, one so traumatic that she kept it a secret even from herself, for decades. Lorilee was sexually abused as a child, and she pushed that trauma so far down in her subconscious that one day she forgot about it and built a life. Until one day she didn't want to live anymore.

This is her story in her words of how this trauma suddenly made itself known and how she survived that realization. Today, Lorilee is thriving. With help from her husband, she received the help she needed to begin healing.  And she is here to help other survivors get to a better place.

If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts the Crisis Lifeline is here to help. Text HELLO to 741741 or call the Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.