Dana Look-Arimoto has always been curious. Curious about others, curious about herself, curious about life. And at one time she thought she could have it all. Now she says that's a myth. But that doesn't mean she can't have what she wants!

All of us get stuck in places. Some of us find a way out. Others need some guidance. All of us need help. Dana knows this first hand how trying to have it all can cost you everything. She hit rock bottom. She's sharing her story so you know you aren't alone. She survived and so can you.

And she has a unique approach to finding the right work-life integration FOR YOU!

Check out her website Settle Smarter and take her quiz. Drop her a question, and answer the question to win her book Stop Settling - Settle Smart!

Remember - there are five different "spaces" for work-life integration: Time, Space, Productivity, Joy and Value. What are you willing to give - incrementally - to get the right integration. 

Listen to the podcast, check out her website and send Dana your answer.