Every 30 seconds a child in the United States is sold into slavery. That is a terrifying statistic. Even scarier, this happens everywhere. Your neighborhood, my neighborhood, affluent neighborhoods, schools, even some work places. When it comes to trafficking young people for sex or work slavery, anyone can be a victim. Most don't realize they've been groomed until it's much too late. Most parents have no idea their child is a victim until it's too late.

Anne Basham knows this. She is the CEO of Anti-Trafficking International, based in Northern Virginia. The group works to educate young people and their parents on the ways of groomers and predators, to stop the trafficking BEFORE it happens - through school based curriculum and the International Human Trafficking Training Academy. Anne and her group work overtime to teach parents, teachers, law enforcement, coaches, neighbors - every day people - how to spot a predator. Because learning how groomers operate could save a young life.

Find out more information at Anti-Trafficking International.