The Colorado River is the hardest working river in the West, providing water for over 40 million people, 5.5 million acres of agriculture, 20 federally recognized tribes, and vibrant wildlife across seven states and two countries. It is essential for the lives and livelihoods of communities across our region – and it is in crisis. In this latest episode, we dove into the threats facing the Colorado River, what they mean for Western communities, and how we can and must take action to update management and protect this vital water source for the next 100 years to come.

2 Degrees Out West is a podcast from Western Resource Advocates, an environmental conservation organization that's focused on the Interior West. WRA works across seven states to protect our climate, land, air, and water. WRA protects and advocates for New Mexico, Nevada, Montana, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah.

Want to be part of 2 Degrees Out West?

Email us with suggestions on topics and interviewees at [email protected]. Tweet us @wradv or DM us @westernresourceadvocates. Create a 40-sec clip sharing "our Bright Climate Future for the West" and send it to us at [email protected] to be included in one of our next episodes. Join our email list to stay updated on when new episodes are released and calls to action on how you can help the West. Become a sponsor of WRA and the 2 Degrees Out West podcast. Show your support for the land, air, water, and people of the West today!

Thanks for listening. Let's all work together to keep the West wild...