Let’s address the elephant in the room.  Bitcoin is tanking.  I mean, I’ve seen worse, but it’s not fun.  In these situations, you must keep asking yourself “where else am I going to go?”.

We encourage you to look for alternatives.  But once you have, and have evaluated them objectively, you’ll be back stacking sats and feeling grateful you get the chance to do it so cheaply.

In this episode we discuss:

Tanking shitcoins
Halving humpday
A long time thinking nothing has happened, but then the perspective you get when you summarise the last year.
Africa leapfrogging straight to Lightning
Fountain splits
$6.5 trillion in US treasury bonds due to mature in the next 12 months.
Rebranding quantitative easing
Sanctions are doing the opposite of their intended purpose.  Russia doubling income from oil and gas sales to the EU.
Weimar hyperinflation
Elizabeth Warren. The Karen’s Karen.
Why Brendo doesn’t want to be a politician.
Swimming in a non-existent tidal pool and reading in a non-existent library.
Will the next big news be a group of countries adopting Bitcoin?

Tweet of the Week


Dick of the Day

Property “Investors”

Brisket’s Doxx Jar

Hats 1900 Sats

Brendo 2300 Sats

Daz 100 Sats – paid!

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