We lied to you.  We said we would do interview/us/interview/us and it’s been all interviews recently.  It’s hard to say no to people though, and it’s great to get other people’s perspectives to help you refine your own.  We hope you’ve enjoyed them too.

This week, however, it’s back to just the 2 idiots in the garage, with very little preparation, just spit-balling about Bitcoin.  You could say that the lack of preparation was lazy (and you’d be right), but it also means you get our genuine opinions, as we have them, and that’s all too rare in the censored world we live in.  If you like it, great.  If we offend, we’re sorry, that is never the intention.

Anyway, this week’s topics include:

More than 90% of Bitcoin has been mined.

My worse analogy ever...it involves eggs.

Microstrategy having purchased 23% of all newly mined Bitcoin since they entered.

Jack Dorsey’s next moves.

Orange-pilling your 70-year-old gamer neighbour and asking a 95-year-old to have a 5-year plan.

Why you shouldn’t get a haircut and just stack sats.

What makes people willing to hear the Bitcoin story.

NFT’s, and why they are a bullshit sales pitch.

Property is being sold for Bitcoin in Dubai.

Why we are all still shitcoiners.

Tweet of the Week

www.twitter.com/haggishodl for sharing www.storeoftime.com by www.twitter.com/alex_kaul

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www.2bitidiots.com for links to the pod on your favourite podcast app.

Thanks for listening.

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