Actually no, that’s not strictly true... Brendo has a troll.  Call us naïve, but what better way to engage than to invite him on the pod.  And it turns out, we all got on well.  Why?  Because we’re all bitcoiners, that’s why.

Frankly, I wish Brendo had got a harder time, but apart from a few sly digs, BowDog let him off easy. 😉

This was a fun one for us.  We spoke about:

How we all come in from different angles (BowDog came the Austrian economics route) but arrive at the same place.

Remembering the time when the Bitcoin epiphany struck?

The sheer volume of information you consume once you start going down the rabbit hole, and how much learning you have to do to find your conviction.

Housing and the generational divide.

Whether normies have to been burnt by shitcoins to learn.

Enjoying the bear markets.

Your Bitcoin being “in a fat man’s closet in New Zealand”

The increase in gaslighting, theatre and apathy everywhere.

Jack Dorsey “stepping away” from Twitter to focus on Bitcoin.

The negatives of hyperbitcoinisation, how frightening the transition might be and how we might reorganise.

The El Salvadoran Bitcoin bond.

Mental health.

Thanks BowDog.  We enjoyed the chat.

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