After we discuss Parris' YouTube ambitions, we dig in on a couple of noteworthy Netflix releases. First, we discuss why watching '13th' was particularly challenging. Then we lighten the mood and celebrate the brilliance and blackness of 'Luke Cage'. Sweet Christmas!

YouTube and Creative Ambitions - 00:00:00
Netflix's '13th' - 00:13:20
Marvel's Luke Cage - 00:32:00 (Spoilers)

Additional Reading

Incarceration gap widens between whites and blacks (Pew Research Center)
Tracking State Prison Growth in 50 States (Prison Policy Initiative)
[What to Read After Watching 'Marvel's Luke Cage'] 3 (NYT Watching)
'Luke Cage' is the blackest thing Marvel has ever done (Washington Post)
'Luke Cage' is the blackest show on TV, and I am totally here for it. (UpWorthy)

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