UPSTATE NY/HARLEM — Nicola Maye Goldberg is the author of the novella Other Women (Sad Spell, 2016), the chapbook The Doll Factory (Dancing Girl Press, 2017), and, most recently, the novel Nothing Can Hurt You (Bloomsbury, 2020). Cop here:

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3 min - pod start
6 min - Nicola mighta started the rona
9 min - ‘all novelists are failed poets’
13 min - NCHY’s structure
18 min - on how related to 2666
21 min - on Tracy
25 min - on the Girl Boss trope / the commodification of Me Too
33 min - on Fatherhood
38 min - on courage
42 min - Nicola’s initial connection to the crime
46 min - why men kill women
51 min - the solution to sexual violence is all straight dudes buy Nicola’s book
57 min - on mens rea
1 hr 2 min - on Nicola’s new stuff / Santa Cruz


Sean Thor Conroe lives in Harlem.