VGA's were f***ing lame as f*** or in the words of our esteemed Andrew Flores.."underwhelming". Quantic Dream will be getting the once in a lifetime opportunity of absolutely butchering a high republic star wars game YAYYYYYY!!! But whatever at least Alan Wake 2 and Wonder Woman will be dope as hell, or not, who knows, they aren't games yet. Thanks Geoff? Why'd we watch this? Anyways get AMPED (Mountain Dew tm) for this weeks (brought to you buy grubhub) episode of 1st Person (Sponsored by Spotify Wrapped!!!!! Who can say enough great things about Spotify, this capitalistic platform that systematically f***s the money out of real musicians' pockets to give it all to Jeff Bezos's ugly doppleganger and part time Gollum impersonator Daniel Ek for the low low price of disregarding all artistic integrity! Get your Spotify Wrapped for the year today!!) Podcast!!!