Next Episode: #BlameStadia

YEET SQUAD! The dynamic duo - 1MoreGame and Rocket Punch team up for this super, action packed adventure. Streamer/designer YungKhan is in the 1MoreGame guest chair for this episode! Watched a lot of streams? Seen a lot of emotes? Bet there's a chance his digital finger prints are on some of them...

Rocket Punch Extra Life 2019 Stream on Mixer, watch a safety video Blair Witch Borderlands 3/Gears 5 impressions Sea of Thieves mega update! World's Most Downvoted Comment on Reddit - thanks EA! Still not entirely sure what Death Stranding is going to be... other than a walking simulator MORE, MORE, MORE!

Find Rocket Punch on Twitter @RocketPunchGo / and

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1MoreGame Podcast is a PC and console game show hosted by a couple of Dads who escape to our microphones to discuss the latest news, trends, eSports, and games that you should (or shouldn't) be playing next! Find us on the web at 1MoreGamePodcast.Com -  Twitter @1MoreGameCast

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