1MoreGame 48 - two more until 50 and we look damn good for our age! Little shorter of a show this week as the world of video games was relatively quiet this last week... except for that whole Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 release.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 review Xbox backwards compatibility adds some of Valve's best games (Half-Life 2, Portal, Left 4 Dead) FINALLY! You can change your PSN name soon! Plus PlayStation boss says Sony will communicate better going forward Fun Fact - Sony Playstation downloads account for 2.7% of the internet's traffic Fallout 76's Platinum Edition will run you $115... but don't forget the game, that's extra Ninja joined Ellen DeGeneres... and it went well plus more!

1MoreGame Podcast is a weekly video game show hosted by a couple of Dads who escape weekly to our mancaves to discuss the latest news, trends, eSports, and games that you should (or shouldn't) be playing next! Find us on the web at 1MoreGaming.Com and on Twitter @1MoreGameCast

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