1DimitriRadio talk show is simulcast (simul-streamed™) from the intersection of Freedom & Fun™in The LifePedigree.com studio

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Dimitri’s Opening Monologue

Great interview with one of our fav guests, columnist and Fox News guest expert Liz Peek! We had a big disagreement about libertarian Sen. Rand Paul and the GOP version of Obamacare Lite, but still had lots of fun.

As always, the blonde babe offered great insights about President Trump, TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome ), the GOP and Russia-gate! Liz Peek was one of the first women on Wall Street to become a partner of a so-called "major bracket" firm. After graduating with an Honors Degree in Economics and as a Durant Scholar from Wellesley College, she joined a research boutique on Wall Street where she developed an improbable expertise in backhoes, rock bits and oilfield wireline services. 

Peek is a columnist with The Fiscal Times and FoxNews.com and a regular guest on Fox Business shows including “Varney & Company,” “After the Bell” and “Making Money with Charles Payne.” She also is a featured panelist on Fox and has appeared on many other TV programs including with Larry Kudlow and on “Fox & Friends.”