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Dimitri’s Opening Monologue

Very special guest: Neema Singh Guliani ACLU legislative counsel!

Sen. Dr. Rand Paul & the ACLU agree ...


Americans, both conservative and progressive, are concerned about the power the federal government has used to spy on American citizens without a warrant.The ACLU walks you through the reasons why defenders of the Bill of Rights should be concerned about Congress reauthorizing Sec. 702 of th Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) 

Section 702 of FISA gives the federal government the authority to capture international communications of people in the US with certain foreign nationals without a warrant. Agencies, like the FBI, use this authority to search for the phone calls, text messages, and emails of people in the U.S. without any cause to believe they have done something wrong or court oversight, including in cases that have nothing to do with national security.  These actions raise significant Fourth Amendment concerns.  


BIO: Neema Singh Guliani is a legislative counsel with the American Civil Liberties Union Washington Legislative Office, focusing on surveillance, privacy, and national security issues. Prior to joining the ACLU, she worked in the Chief of Staff’s Office at DHS, concentrating on national security and civil rights issues.