A Podcast explaining what #Postmodernism and Postmodernity are featuring Jon (also known as TheLitCritGuy) a writer and academic.  In this podcast, we debunk some common myths about "postmodernism" and contrast two different ways of looking at what postmodernism is. One being postmodernism as a historical socio-cultural epoch and 2: Postmodernism as a theoretical style/tendency.  We go primarily over thinkers  such as Fredric Jameson (author of "Postmodernism: The Culture of Late Capitalism" , Jean François Lyotard (Author of "The Postmodern Condition") and a little about Derrida  and Foucault (who are often misleadingly associated with being "post-truth"). Postmodernism and its related concepts such as #Hauntology, Parody vs Pastiche, #latecapitalism, and the death of the metanarrative.  

Song used in the intro: https://youtu.be/rTfa-9aCTYg

Song used in the outro: https://youtu.be/CBL12gLG_DQ

Check out Jon TheLitCritGuy's channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JonTheLitCritGuyJohn's 

John's Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheLitCritGuy 

Podcast channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/1DimeRadio/featured

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