Listen, Listen, then Listen some more! Kids are running amok in 1927 Los Angeles, setting fires, eating razors, crawling under fumigation tents and stealing babies from their mothers. And the adults aren't behaving much better, what with the married guys conning nice working girls into bigamistic unions and the guy what found the fountain of youth and knows where the Czar's fortune is banked, and all he needs from you is $25,000 and a nice spot to rub his mystic peapod paste.

Then there's our own Crimebo the Crime Clown, and he is in a funk. There are so many things he hates about Halloween, can he count the ways? You bet!

Tune in to hear about how Peter Pan tried to kick Crimebo's ass at the Chinese Theater, how the apocalypse is coming with a rain of cheese and Nathan's love letter to crude oil. It's all here on the 1947project Podcast, featuring Crimebo, Kim Cooper, Nathan Marsak, Mary McCoy and Joan Renner.