Aman Verjee is the Founder and General Partner at Practical Venture Capital.
Practical Venture Capital is a VC secondary firm providing liquidity to LPs and GPs.

00:00 Top Moments
01:43 What led Aman to Venture Capital?
03:21 Founding story of Practical VC.
06:29 Evaluation process of GPs and LPs and portfolio construction
08:25 Focus on Venture Funds and not direct secondary companies.
09:31 Uniqueness of Practical VC
11:01 What type of LPs are targeted in Practical VC
12:59 Typical return expectations for LPs in VC
13:55 Cheque sizes of Practical VC
14:19 Envisioned outcome of Practical VC 5-15 years.
15:53 Global investment approach of Practical VC
17:18 Lessons learnt while building Practical VC
21:02 What is Aman's typical day like?
23:29 Aman's relationship with health
26:05 Aman's motivation behind writing the book
28:59 What is something Aman wanted to do but hasn't got the time yet?