One of the unspoken roles of the Game Master is the responsibility for bringing everyone together for each session. Doing that successfully requires a certain set of skills. Investing your players in the games, in their characters, and in each other as a group takes work. Without the knowhow it can be really difficult. Often TTRPG groups will fall a part due to a lack of cohesion or fall prey to the highest CR monster of all, the dreaded Schedule Conflicts. 

This week I am joined by Christian Borchert the creator of My Sound Delve who is hear to share his insight into how to keep your player group engaged, keep them interacting with each other and keep them coming back to the table every session. 

We discuss ways to create a group identity via various social platforms (Not sponsored by Discord), using minis or character art, unique maps or terrain, and giving players agency over things happening in game. All of these tools and more can be used to invest players in your game and have them anxiously awaiting your next session. 

A Huge thank you to Christian for coming on to the show today. You can find his app My Sound Delve available on Android and Apple or learn more on his website: You also can find them on the socials like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook:

Lastly but certainly not leastly, a huge shout out to Paul Mackie for the rockin' Intro and Outro Themes. And our Editor Hannah Miller for mixing all of this together.

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