Transcript here:

This episode, we speak with R.V. Gundur, author of Trying to Make It: The Enterprises, Gangs, and People of the American Drug Trade.

R. V. Gundur is a criminologist based in Australia. He studies illicit enterprise, gangs, and cybercrime and holds a PhD in criminology from Cardiff University, a Master’s degree in Criminology Research Methods from the University of Oxford; aN MA in International Relations from The Australian National University, and a BA in Spanish and Latin American Studies from Tulane University. Follow R. V. on Twitter @gr4d and visit his website at

We spoke to R.V. about both the physical and personal journeys he took in the research and writing of his new book, why it is essential that we all start humanizing, rather than demonizing, the ordinary people involved in the drug trade, and why policymakers need to put an end to their never-ending war on drugs, which has tragically wrecked havoc on our society for decades.

If you’d like to purchase R.V.’s new book, use the promo code 09POD to save 30 percent on our website which is If you live in the UK use the discount code CSANNOUNCE and visit the website