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This episode, we speak with Danielle Lupton, author of the recent book Reputation for Resolve: How Leaders Signal Determination in International Politics:

Danielle L. Lupton is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Colgate University. She has published articles in Political Analysis, Political Research Quarterly, International Interactions, and the Journal of Global Security Studies. Follow her on Twitter @ProfLupton or on her website at

We spoke to Danielle about how individual world leaders influence international politics, how Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev personally viewed Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy in terms of their resolve and reputation, and what reputational challenges will President Biden most likely face as he begins his term.

If you’d like to purchase Danielle’s book, use the promo code 09POD to save 30 percent on our website which is If you live in the UK use the discount code CSANNOUNCE and visit the website