#31 Imagine living the lifestyle of Jordan Belfort of the Wolf of Wall Street, it would be no surprise if you didn't last to long! That's how our special guest for the show this week, Tom Cronin once lived. He openly shares with us how this lifestyle led to depression, anxiety and ill health whilst being told he can't be cured and would need anti-depressants. Tom searched for other means and found meditation, and he hasn't looked back since.

Tom Cronin is the founder of the Stillness Project. He has been teaching meditation for many years now and has inspired thousands of people all over the world as a teacher, author and keynote speaker to unlock peoples stillness and calm with meditation.

He has been featured on national TV in Australia, The Sydney Morning Herald, Huffington Post and Vogue magazine to name a few.

In this episode we talk about:-

Yes, people out there live like Jordan Belfort did! The one style of mediation that Tom now uses for effectiveness What exactly meditation is and where it originated from How to quieten a really busy mind Why stress can be so damaging and how to overcome it How to start a meditation practice daily when it feels all too hard And much much more…

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