This week welcome to the show Scott Carney. Investigative journalist and anthropologist Scott Carney has worked in some of the most dangerous and unlikely corners of the world. His work blends narrative non-fiction with ethnography. Currently, he is a senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism and a 2016-17 Scripps Fellow at the Center for Environmental Journalism in Boulder, Colorado. "What Doesn't Kill Us" is his most recent book; other works include "The Red Market" and "A Death on Diamond Mountain." 

Carney was a contributing editor at Wired for five years and his writing also appears in Mother Jones, Men's Journal, Playboy, Foreign Policy, Discover, Outside and Fast Company. His work has been the subject of a variety of radio and television programs, including on NPR and National Geographic TV. In 2010, he won the Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism for his story "Meet the Parents," which tracked an international kidnapping-to-adoption ring. Carney has spent extensive time in South Asia and speaks Hindi.

Questions we ask in this episode:

When you set out to write your book, you thought Wim Hof was a charlatan… Did you set out to debunk him, and if so, why? You tested the WHM Wim Hof Method) on yourself over a six month period. What did you test and what were the results? You climbed Mount kilimanjaro in your shorts. How was that? Do you think our modern lives have gotten too comfortable? After everything you’ve put yourself through and researched… How much of an impact do you believe the WHM has on one’s health? From the healthy to the not so healthy...




[00:00:30] Hey everybody, this is Guy Lawrence of course, for 180 Nutrition and welcome to another fantastic episode of the Health Sessions, where we're always connecting with global health and well experts ... getting my words out ... to share the best and the latest science and thinking to empower us all to turn our health and lives around. This week, our fantastic guest is Mr. Scott Carney. Scott is an investigative journalist and anthropologist. He has worked in some of the most dangerous unlikely corners of the world, especially when writing his books, and we're here to talk about his brand new book today, "What Doesn't Kill Us," which is a New York Times bestseller, and I was so keen to get Scott on the show because essentially this book came about because Scott went on a journey to end up trying to debunk Wim Hof.

[00:01:30] If you're not familiar with Wim Hof, we'll get into that as well today, but if you have been listening to my podcast for a while with myself and Stu, you'll realize that I've gone on and done Win Hof retreats, and spent some time with him, and I actually practice the breath work and [inaudible 00:01:08]. So it was great to get Scott on his journey and what he's discovered through his own mission. Ultimately, he's a really good, fun guy. He says it as it is. He wants to know the facts, and he digs deep to find out what's actually going on, and where's the line between myth and actually reality as well. It was a brilliant podcast, and I have no doubt you're going to enjoy this show today.

As always, guys, if you are enjoying our podcast, please subscribe to us, five star us, and leave us a review if you're enjoying it of course and you think it's worthy. I read every review, I will shout them out on the podcast as well from time to time. It makes all the difference to help us reach more people that can listen to the same content just like yourselves. Anyway, let's go over to Scott Carney, enjoy.

[00:02:00] Hi, this is Guy Lawrence, I'm joined with Stewart Cook as always, good morning, Stu.


Good morning, Guy.


And our awesome guest today is Scott Carney, Scott, welcome to the show mate.


Hey, thanks for having me on.


Really appreciate it man, really appreciate it. It's a topic close to my heart, I was very excited about this one. Before we get into it Scott, we ask everyone on the show, if a complete stranger stopped you on the street and asked you what you did for a living, what would you say?


God, that's a hard question because I don't talk to strangers, they scare me. I was told never, ever to speak with them. I'm an investigative journalist and anthropologist. If that isn't enough to bore the hell out of a stranger, I do not know what is.

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