180 Nutrition Today we welcome Phillip Day. He is an author, investigative journalist and international speaker . His work revolves around uncovering the most effective treatments available today when it comes to chronic diseases and cancer. 

Some of books include - Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth, Health Wars & Simple Changes: 100 Ways to a Happier & Healthier Life



Questions we ask in this episode:

Is the medical system broken where disease is concerned?

Prescription drugs, do you think that they are the best method of curing any underlying problem?

What is cancer and how can we avoid it?

Is chemotherapy and radiation the most effective treatment for cancer?

Is cancer hereditary?

And much much more...




Hey this is Guy Lawrence from 180 Nutrition and welcome to today’s health sessions. We have another cracker of a guest here today and his name is Phillip Day. If you’re unfamiliar with his work, in a nutshell, he is an author, investigative journalist and international speaker and he mainly ... Mainly, his work revolves around uncovering the most effective treatments available today when it comes to chronic diseases in a nutshell and distributing that information to as many people as possible and he’s been doing it for many, many years.

He has a wealth of knowledge, top guy as well and I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing him along with Stu today. We delved mainly into the topic of cancer. He’s very well researched on it including what is cancer, what can we do about it? Is it hereditary? Looking at hospital treatments as well, we even go into other things like metabolic diseases as well, prescription drugs and the medical system itself. This is the podcast I will listen to many times I think.

I got a lot out of it and I think it’s a very important podcast too, so if you are aware of people that might [inaudible 00:01:05] might be suffering or they might have cancer and they are looking to expand their knowledge and awareness on the information that’s out there, this podcast would be a great one to share with them because I think Phillip really articulates it really well, the information he shares with us today. Now, we did film this at night because Phillip was in the UK.

If you’re wondering why Stu is looking a little bit dark on screen, that’s why but I actually thought it did his complexion justice so you’re not going to be disappointed on this and much there, sorry Stu, apologies in advance. Anyway, you’re going to love today’s podcast and if you do, please leave us a review on iTunes. It takes 2 minutes, it’s going to help increase our rankings and it’s going to help increase awareness to podcasts that I feel are super important just like this one.

If you are benefiting from the podcast, if you enjoy them, please just take 2 minutes out of your day, go over to iTunes onto 180 Nutrition [00:02:00] and just leave an honest review. That will be much appreciated and yeah, help us keep getting this word out there because we feel it’s super important. Anyway, this is a cracker of a podcast, let’s go over to Phillip Day. Hi, this is Guy Lawrence. I’m joined with Stuart Cooke as always. Hey, Stu?

Stu: Hello mate.

Guy: Our awesome guest today is Phillip Day. Phillip, welcome to the show.

Phillip: Thank you guys, it’s good to be here.

Guy: Yeah, really appreciate it, very much looking forward to today’s topic. It’s one we’ve been very excited about and getting stuck into. Yeah, looking forward to you sharing your experience and wisdom over the years of what you’ve researched. Before we get into it, would you mind just sharing a little bit about your journey and where it all started for you and what led you down this path in the first place?

Phillip: Well, I was being groomed for big business. I went through a fabulous educational system in the UK and shortly after I left and came out into the big wide world, I had a terrible year when we lost 6 members of our family to cancer. 5 of them died of the chemical treatments, 4 of them committed an insane act posthumously [inaudible 00:03:12] large amounts of their estate to the cancer charities who gave that money back to the drug companies who killed them.

That focused me and I thought, “Hang on, we’re pulling literally millions and millions of pounds into the cancer research fraternity and yet, we don’t have the answer to cancer?” That got me on a bit of a quest and I came at this purely as a private citizen. I have no medical training at all. I came at this from a research standpoint and with the cancer industry, which is the first one I tackled and it’s like everything else. The [defew 00:03:45], degus, it smells.

Bit by bit, I began to piece together what the leading clinics in the world were doing which were getting the results that we all so badly desired, and why the mainline cancer industry or the mainline [00:04:00] oncological system was failing so abysmally. That changed my life basically and I haven’t really turned back since.

Guy: Yeah, and how long has that journey been for you Phillip?

Phillip: 30 years.

Guy: Wow!

Phillip: I’m going to have to go to my old job one day I think.

Stu: Don’t do it.

Phillip: No, it’s been fascinating. I mean you know what? Guy, probably you’ve been in this as well, I’d introduce you two to the facets of human nature which are absolutely fascinating and it’s not just in cancer. I’ve done 14 books on health and probably half a dozen books on other subjects, but it all comes back to the frailty of the human condition and cognitive dissilience and all these lovely little buzz words that perhaps we can touch on as we go through it.

Guy: Yeah, and I’m not sure if you’re aware as Phillip because I worked in the fitness industry for a long time and 180 actually came about from ... I was doing weight training programs for people with cancer and it was a charity. That was when I first heard of your work, so this would be back in probably 2008 and 2009. It was a real eye-opener for me back then and just changed the way everything thought. I met Stu and then we set up this company and started being vocal ourselves out here about different aspects of it but yeah. It’s been an interesting journey.

Phillip: I love the idea of 180, it’s great and you know, one of the fascinating things that you come up against straight away is ... And it doesn’t matter what you’re talking about whether it’s vaccinations or mental health or anything like that. What you come up with is, “Hang on a minute. If the authorities have got it so badly wrong, what else have they got wrong?”

This is where you start to come up against this real ... People cannot accept that we’ve got a problem with what we’re being told about illnesses and we can go onto Zika and look at the latest, what I call, World Health Organization boutique disease for 2016, have a look at that [00:06:00]. Yeah, it’s the same thing and there’s a tremendous amount of resistance among well-meaning, well-trusting members of the public.