“... If you don't have time to move, it's like not having time to eat, it's like not having time to breathe; ... Movement is being human. Walking is being human. That's who we are, that's what we're here for. If we don't have time for that, what do we have time for?...” 
― Keegan Smith, The Real Movement Project

180 Nutrition 

Keegan Smith is the founder of the Real MOVEMENT Project, which was born of a decade of research into what it takes to reach the highest levels of performance.

In Keegan's own words; 'Higher performance is contagious. As you attain new levels of performance and success you change the world around you. You become a coach for your family members, friends, team-mates and everyone who sees the standards you’re living to'.

His impressive resume includes; Strength & Conditioning coach for rugby league teams The Sydney Roosters and The London Broncos. He's also coached world cup winning New Zealand all black Sonny Bill Williams and Australian Ironman champion Alastair Day.

In this episode:

How and why we need to move daily, and simply hitting the gym 3 times a week is not the answer
Why much of your own success lies within the company you keep
His own exercise routines
His journey from suffering chronic fatigue to greater health
Key things he did to help overcome chronic fatigue
Using limitations as a guide for actions
The future of performance - holistic -> mind, diet, community, self-respect, non-mechanical stress

Learn more at 180 Nutrition


Hey, this is Guy Lawrence from 180 Nutrition and welcome to today's health session. Our first guest for 2016 is Keegan Smith. I [inaudible 00:00:12] thoroughly enjoy this podcast today. I don't like talking up the guest too much; I like to leave the actual podcast interview to do the talking for us. I must say, Keegan has been a bit of an inspiration in my life recently and I'm sure long may that continue.

He is the founder of the Real MOVEMENT Project, which was born of a decade of research into what it takes to reach the highest levels of performance. He's got a very impressive resume. He was the strength and conditioning coach at the Sydney Roosters, London Broncos. If you're not familiar with them, they're rugby league teams in the NRL. He's worked with some amazing athletes including [Sonny Bill Williams 00:00:49], whose now gone on and become a world cup New Zealand all black legend, pretty much. He's a big rugby league star, too. He recently worked with [Ali Day 00:00:58], whose an Ironman, Australian Ironman champion. 

Keegan's own personal journey is phenomenal. He talks about the days of him when he was suffering from chronic fatigue and what he looked upon to make amends to that and how it's led now into what is not the Real MOVEMENT Project, which we go into in depths but, essentially is becoming almost the best version of yourself. Using exercise movement, and food, and building a community around that, and hanging out with like-minded people to then take inspiration and draw that from everyday so, you can apply it in your life. 

As I've gotten to know Keegan like I said, he's certainly made me think about the way I move daily. It's inspired me to take on new challenges, literally as we speak. I genuinely think there's something in this podcast for everyone. Whether you're a fitness trainer and your fully into strength and conditioning, or not. You might go to the gym once a week but, it'll certainly make you look at the way we approach our lives on the daily [00:02:00] basis. I got a lot out today and I'm sure you're going to thoroughly enjoy. 

I will mention as well, we've got the clean eating video series, that's coming up. They're 3 videos that we've made available for free for you guys. You just need to go back to 180nutrition.com.au/clean. These videos are going to be available for 1 week only. It's pretty much putting my [inaudible 00:02:26] sorts and philosophies, what we've learned from all this podcasting and working in the industry for the last 6 years into 3 bite size videos so, you can take action and make 2016 the best year as well. Why are we only making them available for 1 week? We want to create scarcity around it so you guys will take action, and sit down, and actually watch them, and then apply it. Anyway ... They're to recommend to family and friends, as well. That's 180nutrition.com.au/clean. They will be available in the USA as well. Awesome. Let's go over to Keegan Smith. 

Guy:Hi, this is Guy Lawrence. I'm joined with Stuart Cooke, as always. Hey, Stu.

Stu:Hello, mate.

Guy:Our awesome guest today is Keegan Smith. Keegan welcome to the show.

Keegan:Good day guys. Thanks for having me on.

Guy:Yeah, mate. It's been a long time coming, I reckon. I just wanted to start out as well, I've been following you on Instagram for quite a while now. Everyday, I see you juggling, doing backward flips, throwing a lot of weight round, walking the tightrope but, doing something that looks a lot of fun. I reckon it's clear that you love what you do and you enjoy doing it as well.

Keegan:Yeah, definitely. It's such an important part of the success that you have is, that you love what you're doing. I can see with you guys and the amount that you've grown. It's always inspiring to see what you're doing and your podcast growth is extending your reach and your impact. I love seeing people who are passionate about what they do; get what they want. It doesn't get much better than that. 

Guy:It’s awesome [00:04:00] and I know we were having this conversation yesterday as well, about … It’d be easy to assume that you were always been this way and doing what you do because you make it look so easy and effortless for when it comes to movement, strength conditioning, and the whole shebang. Pretty keen to get in and tell us a little bit about your own journey and what’s brought you to this point today, really. Also, your impressive resume along the way, as well. Start wherever you want, mate.

Keegan:Appreciate your kind words but, yeah it’s definitely not effortless. The art is to do stuff that’s really hard and keep yourself calm as you do it and under control. I think that changes the psychological response during your training will affect your physiological response. It’s actually a really important part of what we do is, trying to look calm and keep things under control as you train. It’s definitely been a journey and it’s been [inaudible 00:04:57]. I had that background of sports growing up. My father’s an NRL coach of 30 years so, I was always around rugby players and the sporting environment. Mum was an elite athlete as well but, I guess there was a time there where I turned by back on all that and decided to look for something deeper and went backpacking quite a while. That led to a physical deterioration. Even though though I was still trying to eat relatively healthy and get some training done, it did definitely slip.

At the end of that time, I basically got to the stage of chronic fatigue where I just had no energy to train. If I trained, I’d just have a headache, and I’d go home straight to bed, and I’d stay in the dark room for the rest of the day, kind of thing. It was … They were dark times in a lot of ways but, I knew was on my way to something important.

That was probably why I changed and gradually things have got better from that point up until now. I wouldn’t say … I talk about canaries and cockroaches.

The canaries are the fragile ones [00:06:00] and the cockroaches are the ones that are hard to kill no matter what you do. I was definitely very much on the canary side of the spectrum, I was very sensitive to anything; electromagnetic radiation, or foods, or training, all these kind of challenge and stimulus. I’ve come a long way since then but, if I get things wrong, I can still slip back. It’s been exciting to learn all the things that can build myself to that … To be able to do a bit more than I used to be able to do-

Read Full Transcript Here: http://180nutrition.com.au/?p=20681