This week welcome to the show Gregg Braden. New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and the real world! Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist during the 1970’s energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Liaison with the U.S. Air Force Space Command during the Cold War years of the 1980s.

In 1991 he became The First Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems. Since 1986 Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today. His discoveries have led to 11 award-winning books published in 38 languages. Gregg has received numerous honors for his work including a 2016 nomination for the prestigious Templeton Award. He’s shared his presentations and trainings with The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, the U. S. military and is now featured in media specials airing on major networks throughout North and South America, Mexico and Europe.

Questions we ask in this episode:

If you met a stranger on an aeroplane, how
would you best describe your work? What does the word ‘science’ mean to you, and does science always get it right? Should we listen to our heart more than our head, and if so, how do we tap into the hearts wisdom? What is “resilience from the heart?” What 3 things could I do right now to live my day in a more heart centered place than fear?


[00:00:30] I tell you what, I feel like a kid in a candy shop at the moment with the guest we're having on because we had Gregg Braden on, who's our awesome guest today. Gregg has been a big influence in my life with his work along with, obviously, Bruce Lipton and Dr. Joe Dispenza and a few others that we talked about on the podcast. It's finally amazing to sit down with Gregg for an hour and, yeah, shoot the breeze with all his work. He's absolutely beautiful human being. He is doing phenomenal work, and absolutely necessary work as far as I'm concerned.

[00:01:00] If you have no idea what Gregg's about then you're going to be in for a treat. Just sit back and enjoy this show. We're getting on to the bigger picture of stuff with Gregg today, which I think it's just as important as the things that go on in our own lives. Also, we talked about things from the heart, the discoveries and what we're finding around the heart as well, and how we can take all this knowledge and then start applying in our lives.
[00:01:30] Gregg, we talked on the show anyway, he is coming to Australia very shortly and New Zealand through February. Come back to our website Simply type in Gregg into the search field and all tour dates will be there for you anyway.

[00:02:00] Yeah. Anything else to add to this before we go over to Gregg? Not really. If you're enjoying our shows always please leave us a review on iTunes if you can, give us also rankings, and honest review, of course. It helps spread the word out there because more and more find this, access information and then hopefully go out and apply in their lives, which is what we're all about.

Anyway, let's go over to Gregg Braden. Enjoy. This is awesome.


You all may know my work better than I do because it's been so long since I wrote some of those books.


Yeah, right.


I'm going to follow your lead. I'll follow your lead, we'll do dance.


All right. Brilliant. Beautiful.




All right. Let's start. Hi, this is Guy Lawrence. I'm joined with Stuart Cooke, as always. Good morning, Stu.


Good morning, Guy.


Our wonderful guest today is Mr. Gregg Braden. Gregg, welcome to the podcast.


Good day, mates, from High Desert of Northern New Mexico where it's, actually it's a cold overcast snowy day in this High Desert. I'm really happy to be with you and my Australian family today. It's an honor to be with you today. Thank you.




[00:03:00] Thanks so much for coming on, mate. There's one little question I ask everyone when they first come on the show, and that is, you're going to be on an airplane to Australia within a month anyway, so when you get on an airplane and let's say you sat next to a complete stranger and they asked you what you did for a living, what would you say?


Well, that's not a hypothetical question.


No, it's not.


[00:03:30] The way it usually goes is you sit down and they say, "Is this your first time?" Then say, "Business or pleasure?" I usually say yes. Then they say, "Well, what do you do for a living?" I say, "Well, how much time do you have?" If we're going from LAX to Australia, we've got about 13 hours, so they get the whole story.




It is incredible. Because even when I ... I said this, Gregg is coming on the show. Then they're, "What does he do?" I go, "You know what, that's actually really hard one to pick."


Let me answer this in a different way.




[00:04:00] I was on a recent radio program and the interviewer was obviously frustrated with me. Excuse me. He asked me a question right off the bat. No hello, good morning, or anything like that.




[00:04:30] He said, "Gregg Braden, why can't you stick with one topic?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "Most people, they're going to talk about the Law of Attraction, they're going to talk about self-help, they're going to talk about neurons, about biology." He said, "Man, you are all over the map. You're talking about ancient civilizations, you're talking about economic cycles, you're talking about climate, you're talking about DNA, you're talking about evolution. Why can't you just stay with one topic like everyone else?"

[00:05:00] It caught me completely off guard. I said, "I understand what you're saying," but I said, "what you've just described are the many different facets of a common theme that runs through all of our lives. My sense is that the better we know ourselves the better equipped we are to deal with whatever life brings to our doorstep. Each one of the things that you've described is one facet of the ways that we know ourselves in the world, so in a very real sense I have stuck with precisely one topic. It's us and it's a big, big topic." Immediately he said, "Okay. We're going on a break," and he cut to break and I never heard anything more from that question again. It wasn't the answer that he's expecting

[00:05:30] I'm a scientist. I'm a degreed geologist and my background is in ocean sciences. It's a math, physics, life science, biology, marine biology specifically, and computer science. In a very real sense, all of those things work together to do precisely what I said to that gentleman to help us understand ourselves in ways that are based in rock solid science.

[00:06:00] We need to be honest, truthful, and factual with ourselves about who we are and what our relationship to our world and to one another and what our bodies really is. Because so many of our life choices, the way we solve our problems, the way we heal our bodies, our medical decisions, our decisions of partnerships, who we choose to have a partner with and how long they last, the way we're solving and addressing climate, the way that we're dealing with social issues, as different as they are from one another, they all come down to the question of who am I as an individual, who are we collectively?

[00:07:00] We have been steeped in a scientific story that's not true for 150 years - 150 years. We have been steeped in a story of separation, competition, conflict. Consciously and subconsciously, it comes into play with everything that we do, every problem that we solve, every relationship. My sense is to the degree that we can become honest with what the new discoveries that overturn that 150 years of thinking and, if we can share those in a meaningful way in our lives, then it helps us to think and live differently in a way to embrace the changes that we're seeing. We've never seen the world changing like it is right now. That is the trust.

Actually, 2017, this is 31 years, this is my 31 year anniversary of offering this material in one form or another. It's been the same thing for 31 years.

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