“When you find yourself on a vicious cycle, for goodness sakes, stop peddling!” — Swami Beyondananda”
― Bruce H. Lipton, Cell Bilogist & Best Selling Author


Have you wondered how much our thoughts can determine our overall health? Does living in the states of love and happiness versus fear and anxiety impact us long term? This episode dives deep into how or our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions can directly affect our health.

Our awesome guest this week is Dr Bruce Lipton.  If you're not familiar with his work, then you would definitely in for an eye opening treat. He is internationally recognized leader in bridging Science and spirit together. He's a stem cell biologist, best selling author of the Biology of Belief and he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows as well as keynote presenters from national and international conferences all around the world.

I actually think it's probably one of the most important podcasts we have recorded to date. So sit back and enjoy the full interview with Dr Bruce Lipton. 

Some of his best selling books include - The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect.

Questions we ask in this episode:

What is the biology of belief?
Is it true that 95% of our day is run by subconscious programing of our past?
How do we change the programing?
Are we a victim of our genetics?
How can we change our beliefs and perceptions?
What is 'super' learning?
And much much more...

Full Transcript Here: http://180nutrition.com.au/180-tv/bruce-lipton-interview/


Bruce: I am so happy to be here with you guys because you guys are putting out the word about how we can move into this world peaceably, happily and moving to the future. Thank you for this opportunity and also I want to thank you for letting me speak to your community because we have some wonderful things to talk about for self empowerment.

Guy: Oh, a hundred percent, a hundred percent. You know it's interesting and I have to ask you this question, because when people ask me how do you describe Bruce's work, I go, "Oh." You know, and I really have to think about it. My first question will be to you, if you are on an airplane and a complete stranger sat next to you and then asked you what did you do for a living, what would you say?

Bruce: I help people empower themselves to take back their control of their lives and to realize that they're not victims of forces outside of their control that they're actual masters of their lives. Since the lack of a certain amount of knowledge, they're not being able to effectively control themselves. You know, it's interesting there's a phrase called "knowledge is power" and yet there's a corollary that's very, it's much more relevant and that is "a lack of knowledge is a lack of power." We are powerless not because we're not powerful but we are powerless because of the programming and knowledge that we have received is actually disempowering for us as individuals.