With the recent Trump assassination attempt, we saw video of women in the Secret Service who were willing to take a bullet for the former President. It got people talking about women being in any kind of combat role at all. Should they be?

In today’s episode, Pastor Jackie and Pastor Derek talk through the idea of women fighting in combat. We look at the history of this idea in America (its much newer than you might think) and how God prescribed His army to look in the Old Testament. We look at a few examples like Deborah and Jael to determine if God's design for women is to be in combat. To be clear, we do make a big distinction between being military/police and specifically being on the front lines. We hope this episode helps frame your worldview from a biblical stance!

The 17:17 podcast is a ministry of Roseville Baptist Church (MN) that seeks to tackle cultural issues and societal questions from a biblical worldview so that listeners discover what the Bible has to say about the key issues they face on a daily basis. The 17:17 podcast seeks to teach the truth of God's Word in a way that is glorifying to God and easy to understand with the hope of furthering God's kingdom in Spirit and in Truth. 

Scriptures: Num. 1:2-3; Deut. 3:18-21; Josh. 1:14; Deut. 24:5; 1 Sam. 8:11-13; Jer. 51:30; Judg. 4:14-22; Judg. 9:50-53.

If you’d like access to our show notes, please visit www.rosevillebaptist.com/1717podcast to see them in Google Drive!

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Write in your own questions to be answered on the show at [email protected].  God bless!