Mr. Eric Deetz

Eric Deetz started his archaeological career early. Son of James Deetz (yes, that James Deetz) it seemed inevitable Eric would end up in archaeology. By the time he was 15 years old, Eric was regularly assisting on projects whenever the opportunity arose. He completed his BA at San Francisco State University and went on to earn his MA in Archaeology and Heritage at the University of Leicester in 2002. Eric specializes in colonial archaeology and currently holds many positions relative to this work including serving as consulting archaeologist for the James River Institute and serving on the board of directors for the First Colony Foundation, a non-profit aimed at better understanding North Carolina’s role in the colonization of the Americas. Additionally, Eric serves as a lecturer at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill, where he teaches courses on the identification and analysis of colonial artifacts, cultural resource management, and public archaeology. Eric has worked at countless sites in his tenure as an archaeologist, but states the highlight of his career thus far was spent as an archaeologist excavating at James Fort; the earliest permanent English Colony in the New World. We recently met Eric on a trip to Fort Raleigh National Monument in Manteo, North Carolina. His interview followed a two week long series of excavations SEAC was conducting in order to mitigate future damage to archaeological resources at Fort Raleigh due to shoreline erosion from sea-level rise due to climate change. Eric assisted us in this work and was happy to let us record his love and enthusiasm for archaeology as part of our ongoing “15 Questions With An Archaeologist” series. Happy listening!

Check out some recent articles highlighting and Deetz's work with us!


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